The Rising Star of David in Africa
This course is a survey of the historical background of the relations between Israel and African nations, as well as investigating the Jewish heritage of a number of African tribes.
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The Rising Star of David in Africa Instructor

  Gerald Gotzen
Dr. Gerald Gotzen was a world-renowned leading authority on Ethiopian Jews. He discovered the Kechene community of Beta Abraham Jewish people of Addis Ababa, the Gefat of Woliso, and the Yibir of Somaliland. For each discovery, he credits the help of a different man with whom he partnered. In 2014, together with JVMI’s Africa Director at the time, he also discovered the hidden Beta Israel remnant in Tach Gayint, Ethiopia.

Gerald made four to five trips to Ethiopia each year, spending three weeks or more on each visit. He and Elly distributed large consignments of Bibles and literature and ministered practically to the Ethiopian people. Gerald Gotzen opened many doors for JVMI in that nation, serving as an Ambassador of the Kingdom of God. He was received by presidents, prime ministers, ambassadors, patriarchs and kings and spoke into their lives. 
Most importantly, Gerald was a man of faith who deeply loved the Lord with all his heart, soul and strength. Although we will all miss him greatly, he is now rejoicing in the presence of the Lord and reunited with his beloved bride and the many he helped lead to righteousness.  

“Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever” (Daniel 12:3).

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