The Gospel According to Isaiah

This course will focus on a consideration of how the book of Isaiah speaks to, for, and about the coming of the Messiah. At the end of the course, students will be better equipped to minister the life-giving Word, having come to terms with the prophet as a man, his message, and his messianic vision.
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Church History Instructor

Dr. Seif was born into a German-Jewish family and was raised in a typical American Jewish household, save for the fact that he was sent off to go to school in a Yeshiva—an Orthodox Jewish training school. Though raised with a “traditional” Jewish upbringing, Jeff eventually came to a saving faith in Jesus, subsequent to which he experienced a “call” into vocational Gospel ministry. Jeff eventually went to school to prepare for the ministerial vocation, taking studies at the Moody Bible Institute, Trinity College, the Graduate Theological Foundation and then the theological Seminary at Southern Methodist University where he received both a master’s degree and doctorate. Jeff served as a missionary with the American Board of Missions to the Jews, and has held pastorates and other ministry posts for well over twenty-five years.
  Dr. Jeffrey L. Seif
Experienced Voices
If experience is the best teacher, then we have some of the best teachers. Imagine years of ministry experience packed into concise, engaging, video-based courses. That's what you can expect from a ChurchEd course.
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Powered by The King's University, you can be confident ChurchEd instructors and content provide valuable ministry knowledge and training. Expect to be challenged, grow as a leader, and come away excited about your ministry!
Ministry Investment
A ChurchEd course will make a significant impact on your ministry. It's more than a course, it's an investment in personal, professional, and Spiritual growth. This is a great first step in your ministry training!

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