Introduction to Judaism

This course offers a brief introduction to the history, practices and ideas of a system of religious thought called “Judaism.” Initially headquartered in and around the Judean capital of Jerusalem, the Judean-based, Temple-based, monotheistic, sacrificial religion evolved—and continues to evolve—into a synagogue-based, non-sacrificial-based system, with houses of “Jewish” worship established in cities all over the world. What actually is Judaism? What is a Messianic form of Judaism, by association? What are the main ideas and practices, and who were/are the principal practitioners who have left their mark on the evolving religion? This brief course addresses these questions and more.
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Church History Instructor

  Dr. Jeffrey L. Seif
Dr. Seif was born into a German-Jewish family and was raised in a typical American Jewish household, save the fact that he was sent off to go to school in a Yeshiva—an Orthodox Jewish training school. Though raised with a “traditional” Jewish upbringing, Jeff eventually came to a saving faith in Jesus, subsequent to which he experienced a “call” into vocational Gospel ministry. Jeff eventually went to school to prepare for the ministerial vocation, taking studies at the Moody Bible Institute, Trinity College, the Graduate Theological Foundation and then the theological Seminary at Southern Methodist University where he received both a master’s degree and doctorate. Jeff served as a missionary with the American Board of Missions to the Jews, and has held pastorates and other ministry posts for well over twenty-five years.
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